Mind Creative Ideas

Plenty of creative minded people have expressed it is both a blessing & a curse because at some point like the body the creative mind needs rest.

The creative mind is active always at work, sometimes even when people with creative minds are sleeping those thoughts finish up in their dreams.

It is hard to tell yourself to a break. I was speaking with a mate that never takes a break. Their creative passion is generating apps.

The creative mind never desires to rest; it always desires to be working. Some famous people with minds like these have gone mad.

I see it brings them joy & their passionate about it, but I have seen times when they are burned out.

They are working on apps every free moment they have. Every conversation they have ends up going to an app they are working on or done.

I told them it might be a lovely suggestion to give it a rest even for a few days & enjoy other parts of their lives. My friendly input did not go over well.

I think it true inspiration can strike anywhere, but being consumed by your creative passion in my view is not lovely for mind or body.

Clearly you do not require to take a break when your creative mojo is flowing & you are in the zone.

Nobody's creative mojo is always flowing. When there is a lull when you are not generating lovely stuff take a break. Give your creative mind a little rest.

It won't be simple going, but it is lovely to let it rest & enjoy other parts of your life using the time you would have been generating whatever it is that you are passionate about.

Writers are infamous for never giving their creative minds a rest. mate I have carries around a small elderly style laptop & pen to jot down ideas based on what might be fascinating around them.

It is like people that go to dinner & are constantly on their mobile tool in lieu of enjoying the company they are with in the moment.

In lieu "Sorry, I go to take this" my mate will tell me "Hold on" & as they write something down even if they are in the midst of a conversation.

It is a fine line between passion & obsession. There's workaholics & creativeholics, there in the same never taking a break.